and if you can't, GET IT OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!
A couple of weeks ago I started thinking that I desperately need to lose about ten pounds (at least). It occured to me during a visit at my Mom's house when my sister, who has lost a booty load (pardon the pun) of weight, started making fun of my big booty. She was even taking pictures of it!!!!
Anyway, I never ever buy sweets and junk food, but somehow it makes it into our house anyway. It is only in our house because hubby brings it in or maybe Easter or Halloween leftovers, ya know.
I really have a problem with eating sugar first of all because I am not supposed to have it (hypoglycemic) and second because if I do nibble on the slightest bit then I turn into the biggest binge eater that you've ever seen and end up getting really sick (and gaining that extra 10 pounds give or take as well).
Also, I feel that I haven't had the excersize that my body has been craving since I was prego with Lulee. I used to workout at the gym five days a week doing cardio, lifting and classes like kickboxing, step, and abs. I had a six pack (hard to aquire for females, but I did have it). I probably will never get my abs back like they were, due to my c-section, but I know my belly could look a darn site better than it does right now.
So to help motivate myself and hubby, I decided to rid the house of all the fat-causing, lethargic, coma producing candy and other nasty junk food. I did not tell hubby that I was doing this because I made the mistake of telling him before and he COULD NOT part with his goodies.
While he was at work one day I thought this is it. Now is the time. I got everything out of the cabinets and took a picture of all the nastiness (which tastes too good).
I took these pictures because:
(1) so that I could show hubby what really happened to all his goodies (which he actually took it really well, he didn't seize up and go through major withdrawals or anything) :)
(2) so that I could post it on my blog in order to show all my friends in family that yes, we do have a problem and need help. ;)
Please everyone I would like your support in keeping my diet in check so that my booty will not grow beyond control and allow my sister to make fun of me that much more. I don't want any pictures of my growth to show up on her myspace page.
Here are the pics and thanks for your help :)-
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