Ok, most everyone knows what a courtesy flush is. For those of you who don't know. I googled "what is a courtesy flush" and this was the best description that I could find that was kid-friendly, short and sweet. :
A pre-wipe flush that's intended to remove the odorous matter before it stinks up the whole bathroom.
Courtesy flushing and the need to read tend to go hand-in-hand with each other. It makes sense though, If you are sitting there long enough to read books, catalogs and or magazines, you would probably need to flush more than once, right?!?!?
It also makes you wonder, is courtesy flushing and the need to read hereditary?
I googled it, but I haven't gone any further as to research the above subject matter. I guess I will just base it on the household knowledge that I have.
My hubby has retreated to the bathroom many, many times staying in there forever and flushing many, many times. In his area of retreat, he has his on little drawer full of reading material. It is just a ritual that he feels he must perform before he is successful in his mission.
As for Lulee, we took her to the doctor's office about a month and a half ago with a MAJOR diaper rash. It was so bad that desitin would not clear it up. We had to get the prescription diaper ointment (Vusion) which worked really well, but not immediately. In conjunction with the diaper ointment, we had to give her baths with baking soda and keep her without a diaper as much as possible.
She had previously been potty training, but had grown really tired of it and had refused to try anymore until this diaper rash. THANK GOD FOR DIAPER RASHES. Ha-ha!!!
She is doing really well now and is wearing panties during the day and pull-ups at night. She is telling me every time she has to go. For a few weeks now, every time she has gone at home she needs a book. I will give her privacy and come back to check on her. I noticed that she was flushing the potty, but still sitting there not ready to get up. She says she was not done. I finally realized after the first week of this happening, that she was courtesy flushing......hereditary or learned?!?!
Now that is pretty funny when your two year old is doing it!!!
We went to Lowe's today and she had to go three times. We made it without any accidents. On the last trip to the potty, it was a longer visit than the other two. She looked up at me and requested that I get her a book. This was the first time the request had been made in a public restroom. Ha-ha!!! Just like Daddy.
Does anyone else have little ones that do this????
Love the fact that courtesy flushes run in the family.Amen! More people need to practice this policy, Yeah Mandy and Ryan for teaching it a VERY young age.
Not sure if they run in the family so much but they certainly love to flush. David is amazed and loves to watch it. Maybe she likes to feel the air on her tushie. ;oD Either way it's hilarious!
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