Ok, so
Lulee is cutting her 2 year molars has not been feeling well to begin with. She has had snot and boogies for over a week. It looks like that part may be diminishing as of today (Thank you God). Anyway, she has been very fussy needless to say and has not given me a moment to think for myself!!!! Poor little thing has been on me like white on rice. I try to be understanding, but at times my patience runs thin.
I remind myself that this little angel will return to her angel-like state after a little while and I will be o.k. soon, right??????
So, anyway, it started out with her not being pleased with anything that I tried to do for her. My gosh it's understandable if you have a tooth that is the size of two coming through your gums.
I decided that she might want to color. She really likes to color and it preoccupies her mind for a while. Well, she decided that she really likes the blue one. She likes it so much in fact that she wants to try that color out on her teeth!!! I found her munching on this crayon not once, but twice today. Does it really taste that good???
So, I'm thinking 1:00 needs to get here FAST (
nap time). It didn't get here fast enough, but it did get here, however.
Ok so 1:00 comes and goes. 2:00 comes and goes. 3,4,5 and yes now here it is 6:30pm and she is finally taking a nap on my lap as I am typing this post.
In between 4 and now was a fiasco as well. My nephews get off the bus and I am trying to get some business done on the computer that I've been trying to do for 3 days and have not been successful. I hear all the kiddo's minus Bug (she had not gotten off her bus yet) in the play room playing unusually loud. It was a familiar sound, just that it had way to much force to it. You have got to be kidding me!!!!! It was none other than my 8 year old nephew Logie Lu trying to ride little
Lulee's Bounce and Spin Zebra, a toy designed for 18-36 months old. Yes he is well over the weight limit and needless to say had been told two times before to not ever get on the Zebra.
So I start back on the computer trying to finish up and what do I hear?!?!?!? Yes, now the 11 year old nephew Nick-Nick has joined in with Logie throwing
huge plastic blocks across the room at each other as if they were playing dodge ball. So, I stop yet again and correct the situation.
So then Bug gets here and wants to play basketball. I thought that was a great idea. Everyone could get out of my hair for a little bit and let me be able to breathe. So the oldest nephew has decided to lay flat and lifeless, face first on the hard wood floor. I ask him over and over "are you tired, are you sick, are you
ok, what's wrong?" His response is typical preteen "I don't know, nothing". I felt like I had Napoleon Dynamite at my house by this time. He didn't want to play basketball, he didn't want to do anything. It was work just breathing, ya know???
I just want the kids to be able to play and have fun!!! We have Play Station,
Game Cube,
Swing set, Basketball Goal and this poor little guy didn't want to do ANY of it. Two of them were out having a good time however. I thought maybe Nick-Nick was just not feeling good because he does have extreme allergies. Maybe he was just upset because I wanted him to feed Tina, the fat lard out back. Ha-ha!! Just kidding!!!
Anyway, it gets better. So, I have made this yummy dinner (meatloaf, veggies and brown rice) after cooking pizza for everyone''s snack. I pack up all these goodies with us so that we could have a dinner picnic with the hubby after taking Bug to dance. After making sure everything was packed up and iced up, diaper bag packed, dance bag together, have both kiddos in tow, I decided it was time to look for my keys. Well, I looked all over for them and could not find them anywhere. Hubby didn't have them, so where were they. I remembered that we road to church with my Mom yesterday and we rode in the back and I had my hands full of everything. I called her to see if she could look in the back of the car for me and there they were, pretty as you please in the back pocket of the front passenger's seat.
So about taking Bug to dance, having a wonderful picnic dinner with hubby, forget about it!!!! Now we will just think of something relaxing to do until the next crisis!!!!
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that we have a list of people to call correcting the bills that they have sent us. I feel like I have to do
every one's jobs. This is from the cable company to the cell phone company to the doctor's office. Can't anyone stop and take the time to make sure things are correct before sending them out to you????
It did make me think though. I had gotten an email one time about we are where God wants us to be. It was about 9-11. This guy worked at the twin towers and walked to work. He was running late and he had gotten a blister on his feet from his shoes. He stopped somewhere to get a band-aid and ended up missing the planes crashing into his place of employment. (I may have remembered the email wrong, but it was something like that). Anyway, I just tried to think about God's plans and maybe there was a reason for us not to go out tonight. Maybe we would've been involved in a crash, flat tire, run out of gas, who knows!!!
Anyway, thanks for listening to me vent. Also, pray for me to have more tolerance when it comes to this crazy, eventful life of mine. :)