Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bathroom Moments

Ok our little Lulee who is only 2 1/2 is fascinated with the potty and all it's magical abilities. I try to go out of the bathroom when she is in there doing her "business" to give her privacy. She becomes very imaginative in the bathroom and loses herself in the moment. She was looking at a PC magazine, because you know she HAS to have a book while she potties, and decided that the front cover was a picture of me as Super Mommy, a Super Hero with Super Powers.

She will, most of the time, let me know when she is done (unless she gets into something that she doesn't want me to know she's into. Like the time that she decided to write on the wall with lipstick!!!

The other day I came back to check on her after her 10 minute session. She was turned around with her head down toward the potty saying something. I could barely hear her so I had to get really close and listen. She was saying "March, march, march". March of the Penguins......I think not!!!

This is me as Super Mommy according to Lulee.

She is going to be a great artist!!! She works well with any material... fabric, sheetrock, flooring.


Anonymous said...

Just like her "don't see me mommy"

Stephanie said...

Oh yikes I don't want to know what that BROWN substance is she's using!!!! And great bod! Punky told me I looked like Earl from My Name is Earl last night. The booger.